Plan your visit

Useful informations

Heures d'ouverture

Opening hours

Every day FROM JUNE 22nd TO SEPTEMBER 2nd, 2024

10:00 am to 4:30 pm


(avant taxes)

24 $ ADULT

(13 years and older)

18 $ CHILD

(5-12 years old)


( 0-4 years old)


(2 adults and 2 children from 5-12 years old)
● Souvenir store● Sale of snacks and frozen treats● Free parking● Outdoor compost toilets ● Picnic area

Trails map

carte visite chouette à voir 2020
For prices, contact us


When is it possible to visit Chouette à voir?

To visit Chouette à voir! it is preferable to purchase your tickets online in advance. You can easily reserve by clicking here. . Booking online will assure you access to our parking lot. Spontaneous visitors will be allowed until the capacity of our parking lot is reached. The site is open 7 days a week in the summer, from June 22nd 2024 to September 2nd. Thereafter, the site opens on weekends from September 7th to October 27th. There are special events for Halloween and Spring Break.

Can we pay with credit card?

Yes, you can pay by credit card or debit card at the visitor center. Cash is also accepted.

How to know when birds of prey get released in the wild?

Releases are unpredictable because it depends on the weather conditions and the physical condition of the bird to be released. Follow the UQROP and Chouette à voir! Facebook pages! The releases are usually announced the day before or the same day. Stay tuned!

Is the presentation of birds of prey in flight canceled in case of rain?

If it is a light rain, the flight demonstration still takes place. You must dress accordingly! If the precipitation is more intense, there is still a presentation, but adapted to the weather. The presentation is only canceled in case of thunderstorms or strong winds.

Is it possible to touch living birds of prey?

No, birds of prey do not appreciate being touched. They are solitary birds that may perceive a touch as an attack or a disturbance. This is why it is not possible to touch them. Some anatomical parts (talons, wings, feathers) are presented at our animation booth so you can touch and feel the softness of birds of prey feathers.

What do I prepare before my visit to Chouette à voir?

Chouette à voir! is a great outdoor getaway. You should therefore bring a bottle of water, insect repellent and sunscreen. You should also dress properly depending on the weather: walking shoes, hat/cap, sunglasses, small coat for cooler days, raincoat in case of rain, etc. There is no heated area on site, however the visitor center and picnic area can be used as a shelter in case of rain.

Are dogs allowed at Chouette à voir?

Yes, you can bring your dog as long as it is always on a leash. There are beautiful trails in the forest that your four-legged friend will surely enjoy. However, there are 2 areas that are not accessible to dogs: the rehabilitation complex and presentation of  birds of prey in flight. To keep the birds calm, dogs should stay away from these two areas.

Is parking free?

Yes, parking is free. There are 2 parking spaces available for the busiest days. You can consult the site map for more details by clicking here

Is there a food service on the site?

There is no food service, but there is a sink with drinking water to fill your water bottle (without contact). Juice, frozen treats and other snacks are sold at the visitor center. If you want, bring your lunch to have a picnic on site.

Sommes-nous inscrits au registre des organismes de culture à l'école ?

Oui! Nous sommes dans la liste des organismes de culture scientifique. Vous pouvez nous trouver en cliquant sur ce lien :