Interpretation center

Open Chouette à voir! all year round

Since 1996, UQROP has been planning to build an interpretation center. This building will be able to open to the public year-round. Following the strategic planning in June 2015, it became clear that the incomes generated by the year-round opening will ensure the sustainability of the organization and the development of the full potential of Chouette à voir! This is why UQROP wants to build an eco-responsible building according to its values of nature conservation and reduction of the environmental impact of the site’s activities. The building will accommodate an average of 200 visitors per day.

It will be an innovative, ecological and unique building with the highest energy performance in Quebec and Canada. A net zero and zero carbon building that will open its doors in 2024. The building will be built and operated in a sustainable development perspective with ecological materials, reduced water use and waste reduction.

centre interpretation

A building with our conservation values!

Net zero

0 emissions
of CO2

Use of
renewable energy

of local resources

40% savings
of drinking water

Project timelines

September 2015 to December 2017

September 2015 to December 2017

October 2018

Geotechnical Studies

October 2018 to February 2019

Design Workshops (5)

March - December 2019

Plans and specifications

Plans and specifications

Bridge construction






federation canadienne de municipalités
power corporation du canada
centre d'études sur le bâtiment à consommation nulle énergie
mrc des maskoutains
municipalité de St-Jude
logo desjardins caisse de la région de st-hyacinthe
ville de st-hyacinthe
ressources naturelles canada
pageau morel
studio mma
cwt consultant
faites un don

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